Bringing in the Clowns & Mystique: Pairs Short Program

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Sunday saw the first figure staking event, which as you might surmise by the title of this post was the pairs short program. Let me begin by saying that my eyes may have been scarred by some of the most horrifying costumes I have ever seen. I would really like to hear what Johnny Weir has to say about some of those.

To start with good costumes, we have Yuko Kavaguti and Alexander Smirnov of Russia with their black and white swan-ness. Now i have a great fear of swans based on being chased in Kensington Gardens and intimidated around the world by their snaky, rope-like necks, but I concede my enjoyment of these two.


And now to address the cute… we have the German pair, Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy wearing commedia dell’arte outfits, complete with tears painted on their faces for a program skated to “Bring in the Clowns.” There were pompoms, there were sequins,  don’t forget that face paint situation. (International Skating Union)

And then… the travesty of them all, best described by a Seth Meyers tweet: @sethmeyers21 Tatiana Volosozhar wins my best dressed at pairs figure skating. Reminds me of Mystique from X-Men. There’s not a lot more to say, other than “if by ‘best,’ you mean ‘worst’.” Regardez: Tatiana Volosozhar and  Stanislav Morozov of Ukraine.


I know.


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