Daily Archives: February 26, 2011

Four Continents Championship: Exhibition Videos

Just for fun, as the Four Continents Championship was not aired in the U.S., enjoy some exhibition skates and a medal ceremony.

Why not.

Ladies medal ceremony. I wonder how much practice goes into those pre-podium fancy bows?

Going in podium order, first up: Miki Ando’s celebratory performance, skating as her usual graceful self in yet another white, long-sleeved, high-necked costume. It happens.

Mao Asada’s exhibition performance. I love Asada because when she’s in the zone, she can have this expression like she will just go ahead and end your life if you cross her. Not necessarily in this tulle-skirted exhibition, but after all, there’s no need to strike fear into hearts during the exhibition. Cannot wait to see her defend at Worlds. Also, dear lady throwing triple axels left and right. Fierce.

Mirai Nagasu looking vaguely surprised to hear her name (and possibly relieved to note that the announcer did not again mistake her for a representative from Japan), skating a fun EX after a belated proof that she can indeed take the other American ladies, despite flubs at U.S. Nationals

Daisuke Takahashi soaking up the love from the crowd. Possibly because he won the Words to Bumble Craziest Figure Skating Hair Award; probably because he’s been a top Japanese competitor for a long time.

FYI: there’s a pretty jazzy encore, so if the “Amélie” program is not your thing for some reason, stay tuned because the double feature starts around 4:20.

Yuzuru Hanyu skating to U2. I could make a really bad joke about dizzying nature of figure skating and “Vertigo,” but I’ll just mention the opportunity. Here it feels like he is just skating through the music, but nonetheless, he is Japan’s rising men’s star.

Please someone make the pleather go away. Not OK.

Jeremy Abbott’s adorable exhibition skate to Plain White Ts. He has a prop!

Exhibitions are so fun. Yes?

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